Technology » Technology


Canvas Logo

Canvas is the district Learning Management System and online learning platform from PUSD. 

 iReady LogoiReady is an adaptive assessment that adjusts questions to suit students' needs. It is used to create a personalized path of instruction for every learner. 


Students in grades K - 8 use Tynker, an educational programming platform to help children learn coding skills, including game design, web design, animation, and robotics.

Lexia Logo

Lexia is an online platform designed to support skill development in the five areas of reading instruction. 

CanvaLogoCanva is an online graphic design platform. 

MinecraftEDUAll students have access to Minecraft for Education, a game-based platform that inspires creative, inclusive learning through play

ThrivelyLogoThrively is a strengths-based learning platform to develop the whole child. 

Xello Logo

Xello is an online program that fully engages every student in building the skills, knowledge, and plans for future success. 

Adobe Creative Cloud LogoMiddle School Exploring Technology students use Adobe Creative Cloud programs, especially Photoshop, when completing digital art projects. 

PUSD Chromebook Resources

IT Support Options:
  1. If you need support with logging into Zoom, NOT as a guest, click HERE!
  2. If your learner has password issues, please use PUSD Account Self-Service.
  3. If you need IT support, please email [email protected]
    • Please include your support need(s), contact details, and student ID number.